Sunday, March 31, 2013

20 Sins & Inhumanities Against Women Today

Before we say good-bye to Women's History Month and welcome in Spring and new beginnings, it's important to shed light on what is, what needs to change, so that we might re-imagine what might be new in the world, so that we might manifest it and no longer accept the old as the norm.  Yes, today, women around the world still suffer these inhumane conditions mentioned below.  We think we are so evolved, advanced, so sophisticated.  Well, look again.  Things look pretty somber if you're the female gender around the world.  What are you doing to re-write the next chapter for women on Mother Earth?
20 Sins and Inhumanities Against Women
1. Domestic violence and sexual abuse
2. Female genital mutilation (FGM)
3. Seventy percent of women retire in poverty
4. Women's leadership is thwarted, including within religious institutions. While being the majority, there is less than 20% representation by women in the U. S. Congress, corporate America and academia. Many religions ignore a woman's spiritual calling to be ordained.
5. Women and children are at the margins of societies the world over suffering from the worst health care, education and human rights.
6. White women are paid only 74 cents on the dollar, compared to men, and less if they are Hispanic or Black.
7. Bride burning and arranged marriages still exist.
8. Women may be shunned from families or seen to bring shame to their family if they have been raped or believed to have committed adultry. Tragic consequences for them can include being stoned to death.
9. Distorted view of women and sexuality resulting in obsessive and unhealthy pornography industry
10. Women are being duped by "New Feminism" that encourages submissiveness and dependence
11. Human trafficking, aka slavery and forced prostitution
12. Teaching women grounds for divorce might be abandonment or adultry but not abuse
13. Boy children are valued while female babies are still killed at birth in poor countries because they may cost the family an expensive marriage dowry later in life.
14. Sexuality is dirty and unclean and by association, so too are women, menstruation and female reproduction
15. Women are still in danger of losing their reproductive rights.
16. A distorted view of beauty has millions of women with eating disorders and flocking to cosmetic surgeons.
17. Women and attributes equated with the feminine consciousness, are seen as inferior to men with far reaching consequences for both genders.
18. Rape is used as a weapon of war.
19. Programming of women to perpetuate this list of sins rather than encouraging self-empowerment and a climate where women support women.
20. As we have forgotten the value in the belief of the interconnectedness of all things, so too have we diminished the role of women as life-givers in the natural order of the universe.

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